Bay Area News The Bay Area's Local News Station Fri, 01 Mar 2024 02:56:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bay Area News 32 32 Mountain View High students sue school, principal for censorship of student paper Fri, 01 Mar 2024 02:52:56 +0000 (KRON) -- Students from Mountain View High School have filed a statewide lawsuit against their school on Thursday alleging censorship. The lawsuit was filed after The Oracle, the student-ran newspaper, published a story concerning a supposed sexual assault case against a teacher in the school. In response, the school’s principal both brought down their story, and fired the school’s journalism advisor. 

“It’s a lousy sort of message to send… That if you don’t like the story that your student journalists published, you can just target their teacher who they really respect and admire,” said Mike Hiestand, senior legal counsel for the Student Press Law Center, a nonprofit group that works with student journalists across the country. The SPLC is also representing the student journalists in the lawsuit. 

In response to censoring the students, the principal told the paper they “ought to be publishing more positive news,” Hiestand said, “The principal missed the whole purpose of what the newspaper is about. The reason we have free press is because we have to keep our government accountable.” The journalism advisor who was fired is also suing on her own behalf for wrongful discharge.

“You know, a lot of people think that it’s stories of sex, drugs and rock and roll that are going to be censored, and you know, it happens. But the number one reason that stories get censored is when someone, like a school official, thinks that for whatever reason, it makes them look bad,” Hiestand said. 

Students involved in the lawsuit have two main demands from the school. The first is their right to publish the story instead of “the watered down version of it,” said Hiestand. The second is reinstating both the journalism advisor that got fired, along with the introductory journalism class the advisor created for the school.  

Hiestand is hopeful this can be settled before going to court. Instead of “wasting taxpayer dollars, censoring the story, and firing the advisor,” Hiestand believes the school should, “get to their senses and say, ‘we messed up, let’s figure this out.’” 

California is only one of 17 states that has state laws that specifically protecting its journalists from censorship.  “You guys [California] have made the decision to train the next generation of journalists in the way they should be trained,” Hiestand said, “They [the students] were on the front lines more than any other journalist. So, let’s listen to these kids. Let’s see what they have to say about it.” 

The district and principal have 30 days to respond to the lawsuit.

Aaron Peskin to run for mayor of San Francisco: source Fri, 01 Mar 2024 02:33:59 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Another name has been added to the San Francisco mayoral race. A KRON4 source confirmed Thursday that city supervisor Aaron Peskin is running for mayor.

Sources say his decision is based in part on former San Francisco supervisor Mark Farrell’s decision to run and the fact that there was no progressive candidate in the race. He will officially enter the race next week.

Peskin joins incumbent mayor London Breed, supervisor Asha Safai, philanthropist Daniel Lurie and Farrell in the race.

Peskin is the current president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. His District 3 includes North Beach, Chinatown and Union Square. He is set to term out this year.

His work as supervisor includes preserving and expanding affordable housing in San Francisco, according to his page on the board of supervisors' website.

In 2021, he went into rehab for alcohol treatment. He issued a public apology at the time for "the tenor that I have struck in my public relationships."

Fourth suspect in Tuan Le death charged with murder Fri, 01 Mar 2024 01:21:58 +0000 (KRON) -- The fourth suspect in the killing of Oakland police officer Tuan Le has been charged with murder, Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price said on Thursday.

Sebron Russell, 28, was originally charged with three counts of burglary. He now joins Marquise Cooper, Mark Sanders and Allen Brown as being charged for Le's murder.

Russell was also charged with the attempted murder of Le's partner, Donald McKinney. In addition, he was charged with kidnapping to commit robbery in connection to a "robbery incident" that happened on July 25, 2019.

“We will not stop our pursuit of justice for Officer Le and his family until everyone who participated in his murder is held accountable,” said Price. “We will follow the evidence wherever it leads, amend any charges against these four defendants as needed, and bring charges against anyone else allegedly involved in the killing of this Oakland Police Officer.”

Le was fatally shot on Dec. 29, 2023, when responding to a burglarized business in the area of Jack London Square. He was working undercover when one of the suspects opened fire on him.

Officer Tuan Le
Oakland Police Officer Tuan Le (Image courtesy Oakland Police Department)

Prosecutors believe it was Sanders, 27, who pulled the trigger and killed Le. Oakland officers arrested him in Livermore using Le's handcuffs.

The four defendants are scheduled to go to court for a preliminary hearing on Monday.

Chevys to close waterfront East Bay location after 25 years Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:18:05 +0000 (KRON) -- Restaurant chain Chevys will be closing its Emeryville location this spring, the company said in a statement. After 25 years, the restaurant at 1890 Powell St. will open for its final day on April 22.

Chevys said it was unable to reach a lease renewal agreement to remain open in Emeryville, calling it a "difficult decision." The Chevys is located along the Emeryville waterfront.

The Mexican-style restaurant chain directed its customers to its eight additional Northern California locations, including Union City, Vallejo and South San Francisco in the Bay Area.

Chevy's opened its first restaurant in Alameda in 1986 and has expanded to locations nationwide, spanning as far east as New Jersey. The Emeryville location is open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends.

After 25 dedicated years in the Bay Area community, Chevys will be closing its Emeryville location in April. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach a lease renewal agreement, leading to this difficult decision. The restaurant's last day of business will be April 22, 2024. We are thankful for our loyal diners and, especially to our committed team members, who have tirelessly contributed to serving our Bay Area community with the fresh cuisine for which we are known. Chevys will continue to operate throughout eight additional Northern California locations and beyond, including Union City, Vallejo, and South San Francisco.

Mike Johnson, COO at Xperience Restaurant Group (Chevys Parent Company)

Earlier this week, popular American restaurant chain Applebee's closed its Antioch location for good on Sunday, Feb. 25. The Applebee's had been in Antioch for more than 25 years.

Defense attorney: Mother may have caused Baby Phoenix's fentanyl OD death Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:08:12 +0000 (KRON) -- A preliminary hearing is underway for a San Jose father whose 3-month-old daughter, Baby Phoenix, fatally overdosed on fentanyl inside their San Jose apartment. On Thursday, David Castro's defense attorney re-directed blame over the baby's death toward the mother.

Testimony delivered on Day 3 of the hearing painted a portrait of what can go wrong when parents of a helpless baby are both in the throes of drug addiction.

Phoenix died on May 13, 2023 from a toxic combination of methamphetamine and fentanyl, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. Castro, 38, is charged with felony child endangerment, and he faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. The father has pleaded not guilty.

In the hours leading up to Phoenix's overdose, Castro was trying to get more drugs from his dealer, according to text messages shown in court Thursday. At 6:36 p.m. on May 12, Castro texted his dealer, "You got that strong s**t? Let me know."

While cross-examining the case's lead detective on the stand, a defense attorney asked many questions focusing on Phoenix's deceased mother, Emily De La Cerda.

Castro had sole custody of Phoenix, and he was alone with his baby at home when he noticed she was unresponsive, according to testimony. The father called 911 reporting that his baby was not breathing in their apartment at 5479 Spinnaker Walkway. The detective testified that the home was littered with drug paraphernalia, and fentanyl was found on Phoenix's onesie pajamas.

Defense attorney Mishya Singh focused in on Phoenix's visit with De La Cerda at her residential drug addiction treatment program on May 11. The mother had recently been released from jail and was living at the rehab facility. Singh raised the possibility that De La Cerda may have intentionally given her daughter fentanyl at the rehab to stop her from crying.

The baby's visit with De La Cerda lasted a few hours. During the May 11 visit, De La Cerda text messaged Castro several times saying she didn't know how to open the baby's bottle to feed Phoenix formula, and she didn't know how to calm the baby down from crying. The father picked up his baby that evening and took Phoenix home.

The county's Child Protective Services agents were aware of the couple even before Phoenix was born. Two of the couple's children were previously taken away by CPS and the couple lost custody.

When De La Cerda gave birth to Phoenix, the mother and newborn had fentanyl in their systems, according to testimony. Castro was given full custody of Phoenix and random drug tests from a CPS agent.

After Phoenix died, he admitted to police that he was still regularly using methamphetamine and fentanyl during his daughter's very short lifetime. In court on Thursday, prosecutors showed how frequently he called and text messaged his drug dealer asking for narcotics.

Castro was interrogated by San Jose Police Department detectives on October 19, the same day he was arrested.

A prosecutor played a video tape in court of the interrogation. Castro told detectives that when Phoenix was still alive, he allowed friends and drug dealers to use narcotics in his home, but never in the same room as the baby.

He also told police that, as a single dad his life was "boring," he didn't throw parties at home, and he wanted to be a good father for his baby, Det. Mike Harrington testified.

In the tape, Castro says, "I had people over, yes, and they use at the same time. but not a party or anything like that. It was kind of boring, most of it was boring. I'm a single father. Nothing crazy, no parties."

Detectives peppered Castro with questions to find out if he was aware of potential dangers created by using narcotics around young children. Castro said when he met with CPS, case workers gave him a DVD about CPR, but CPS never provided any information or warnings about drug use.

Phoenix's mother suffered several overdoses and survived, he told police.

On September 16, 2023, De La Cerda died at 5479 Spinnaker Walkway from a fentanyl overdose, police said. The following month, a toxicology lab result revealed the same cause of death for her baby, and San Jose Police Department officers arrested Castro.

The Santa Clara County District Attorney said the father's behavior showed "clear disregard" for Phoenix’s health and well-being. Prosecutors wrote, "unlike a toddler, who can move around, grab things, or crawl into small places, a 3-month-old child is completely immobile and is entirely dependent on her caretaker to receive food, nutrients, and care."

Castro told the detectives that he didn't use drugs on the day before or day of Phoenix's death. He couldn't remember how many days he had been clean and sober. "I'm not sure," he said.

The defense attorney said Castro was drug tested on the day Phoenix died. The test results were clean. Police never drug tested De La Cerda, the defense pointed out. 

During cross-examination, Singh grilled Det. Harrington, questioning why De La Cerda was never treated as a suspect. Singh asked, "Did anyone visit Emily (at the rehab) and provide her with fentanyl or methamphetamine? Did anyone search her?"

Det. Harrington answered, "I don't know. She was not seen as a suspect in this case."

Singh asked, "Wouldn't it be important to determine whether or not the baby had been exposed by the mother? Thirty-six hours before her death, Baby Phoenix was in the care of her mother, correct? You did not search her purse or vehicle?"

Singh showed the court text messages that the couple exchanged while the mother was struggling to feed and soothe her baby at rehab. De La Cerda told Castro to hurry up and pick up Phoenix because the baby was "crabby."

Castro replied, "How are you going to be a mother later on?" according to the defense.

The mother wrote back, "Damn, she's a screamer if you don't have her food ready," text messages shown in court stated. When Phoenix became "crabby again," the mother said she didn't know what to do. Castro suggested holding the baby and burping her. 

The defense attorney said, "She's telling Mr. Castro that Phoenix is crying. Fentanyl can make someone who is agitated calm, lethargic. If the baby is crying, you could give them fentanyl to calm them down, that's a possibility, right?" 

Singh added, "Emily had no problem with using fentanyl and exposing Phoenix to fentanyl while she was pregnant."

During a taped police interrogation, Castro can be heard saying he usually smokes fentanyl using a bong, or by boiling it, also known as "chasing the dragon. Obviously, I wouldn't do it near (the baby.)"

Castro told detectives that he decorated his infant's baby room and he took good care of his daughter. Phoenix usually slept in her bassinet. Around 1 a.m. on May 13, she woke up crying, so Castro gave her a bottle and changed her diaper. After the baby became sleepy again, the father and infant fell asleep together on a couch. Before sunrise, Castro woke up, realized something was wrong, and started performing CPR on Phoenix, he told detectives.

Evidence presented in court for the preliminary hearing revealed that investigators are not 100 percent sure exactly when Phoenix overdosed on drugs. On Wednesday, a coroner testified that the baby died about 24-36 hours before the father called 911 in the early morning hours of May 13, the Mercury News reported. But Castro told police that he didn't realize anything was wrong until he woke up that morning.

On Thursday, the defense attorney showed dozens of baby photos that Castro snapped of his daughter during her 3-month-long life. In the photos, the infant appears healthy and clean. The defense also played videos of Castro playing baby games with his daughter.

"When parents are entrenched in using drugs, the children can also be neglected. She appears healthy," Singh said.

The detective on the witness stand responded, "Yes, she appears, adorable."

After the hearing concludes, a Santa Clara County judge will decide if prosecutors have enough evidence for the case to move forward to trial.

Castro’s criminal history includes two felony and 16 misdemeanor convictions. Eight of his 18 convictions were for drug-related crimes dating back to 2011.

Man arrested for stealing $700 worth of alcohol Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:05:25 +0000 (KRON) -- A man who police say stole $700 worth of alcohol from a local grocery store was arrested by the Pleasanton Police Department last Thursday. Officers intercepted the suspect after he drove away from the store.

When he was arrested, police say he had 14 bottles stashed in his backpack. Officers also recovered an additional 44 bottles in the back of his car. Police believe the bottles were stolen from different stores in California.

The suspect was arrested and transported to Santa Rita Jail, police said.

SWAT team arrests man who robbed Palo Alto woman of her purse: police Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:28:20 +0000 (KRON) -- A suspect who robbed a woman at her Palo Alto home was arrested Thursday morning, the Palo Alto Police Department announced in a press release.

East Palo Alto man Antonio Jaman Harrison, 36, was arrested around 5:20 a.m. on the 1600 block of Bay Road in East Palo Alto. Authorities served a search warrant at his residence He was taken into custody without incident.

A woman in her sixties was robbed of her purse on Feb. 7 while sitting in the car in her driveway. The suspect yelled at the victim as the car window was acting as a barrier between them. The woman gave in to his demands of handing him her purse and phone.

After the alleged robbery, officers found the victim's phone in the area and returned it to her after processing it for fingerprints. Police were able to identify Harrison as the suspect.

Detectives then obtained an arrest warrant on Feb. 22 to charge Harrison with robbery, according to Palo Alto police. A search warrant for Harrison's residence was obtained on Feb. 26.

Harrison is also on probation in Santa Clara County for a prior conviction of possessing narcotics in a jail. He was booked into Santa Clara County Jail with "no bail allowed," county records say.

Tech boom has slowed, but there are still more Silicon Valley jobs than before pandemic Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:05:02 +0000 (BCN) -- Silicon Valley continues to deal with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic: A tech boom of hiring and investment has now slowed, and an exodus from the region has now reversed. Last year, the valley's 20 biggest tech companies laid off 7% of their workforces, or about 18,800 employees, in the Bay Area, but the region actually had a net gain in jobs, according to a new report.

The valley -- defined as Santa Clara and San Mateo counties -- added 2,700 jobs from June 2022 to June 2023, the Silicon Valley Index shows. Last year's layoffs still leave those companies with 37,000 more tech jobs in the area than at the end of 2019, before the pandemic.

"We're not booming, but we're not shrinking," Russell Hancock, chief executive of Joint Venture Silicon Valley, which produces the annual index, said in a press briefing this week. Joint Venture is a nonprofit think tank supported by Bay Area business, labor, government and academics. Its employment numbers are based on state data.

The health of Silicon Valley's tech industry and employment is particularly important to California, which is heavily dependent on personal income tax revenue. The stock market performance of tech companies has also grown increasingly important to the state, which is facing a budget deficit that the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office says has grown to $73 billion.

The combined market capitalization of publicly traded companies in Silicon Valley and San Francisco climbed to a record-high $14 trillion this month, the report says. That's partly due to Wall Street's love for companies that have been laying off employees, such as Meta, whose stock is up about 179% from this time last year -- and which was responsible for half of the tech job cuts in the Bay Area.

The biggest tech companies "over-hired" during the pandemic so they have been pulling back, Hancock said. For example, while Google and Amazon laid off Bay Area workers last year, their combined workforce at the end of 2023 was more than 17,000 employees above what it was in 2020, the report says.

Steve Levy, a longtime Silicon Valley observer and director of the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, said tech job levels are "rebalancing... This is not the dot-com bust," though he acknowledged that "that doesn't help the people who were laid off."

The region saw job growth in other sectors, such as in arts, entertainment and recreation, and encouraging signs in venture-capital funding of technology such as artificial intelligence.

"It's important to the state and nation that the main Silicon Valley economy be healthy," Levy said. "We produce goods and exports and income and tax revenue."

Silicon Valley workers' average annual earnings were $189,000, which Hancock called skewed because of the massive wealth gap and inequality in the area -- the Bay Area was home to 84 billionaires in 2022. The median household income was $149,600, about twice that of the U.S. median household income.

The report also said venture-capital funding decreased for the second year in a row after reaching a record high in 2021, at the height of the pandemic. But Silicon Valley and San Francisco companies still received $30 billion in funding -- about the same as in 2016. The region continued to attract the biggest share of venture investments in the nation, at 34%. And venture investment in generative AI companies rose 220% year over year.

The region, whose population declined by about 79,000 people from deaths and departures in the past three years, actually saw its population grow by 1,800 from mid-year 2022 to mid-year 2023, with Santa Clara and San Mateo counties seeing net positive migration for the first time in eight years. Departures fell 52%, and foreign immigration rose 37%. The report says 23% of the people who left Silicon Valley in 2022 moved to other places in the Bay Area, and another 23% moved to the Monterey Bay area, the Sacramento metro area, San Joaquin Valley or other parts of Northern California.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.

San Jose PD arrest 2 in connection to December 2023 homicide Thu, 29 Feb 2024 22:51:38 +0000 (KRON) -- Two suspects have been arrested in connection to a December 2023 homicide, the San Jose Police Department said Thursday. The arrests were in connection to an incident that occurred on Dec. 17 at around 4:19 a.m.

SJPD officers responded to the area of Snow Drive and Giusti Drive on reports of a firearms discharge. At the scene, officers found evidence indicating that a shooting had occurred.

A short while later, two men arrived at a local hospital suffering from gunshot wounds. One of the men succumbed to his injuries and died at the hospital. The second man sustained a non-life threatening injury and was stabilized.

SJPD Homicide Unit detectives launched an investigation. Two suspects -- Joshua Sodapop Bocanegra, 20, of San Jose, and Michael Carabajal, 20, of Gilroy -- were identified. Warrants were obtained for their arrests.

Bocanegra was located by the SJPD Covert Response Unit on Feb. 15 in San Francisco and apprehended. Carbajal was located in Gilroy on the same day and also arrested.

Both suspects were booked into the Santa Clara County Main Jail for homicide.

The motive and circumstances surrounding the incident are under investigation, police said. The victim's identity will be released by the Santa Clara County Coroner's Office pending identification and notification of next of kin.

The incident marked San Jose's 33rd homicide of 2023.

San Jose International: One of America’s fastest growing airports turns 75 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 22:17:51 +0000 (KRON) -- In the 1950s, San Jose International Airport debuted its first flight with nearly no human passengers. Aside from the pilots and five other people, the plane was filled with over 2,5000 baby chickens. This year, they celebrate over 75 years of mostly-human related travel. 

In celebration of their anniversary, SJC airport-goers can expect surprise encounters with giant inflatable “chickens” roaming throughout the terminals with giveaways. The campaign kicks off on March 6. 

Between 2015 and 2019, the airport was declared the fastest growing airport in the U.S. In 2022, passengers traveling through SJC voted it as the Best Midsize Airport in North America for Customer Experience. Most recently in 2023, SJC earned the title of "Best Midsize Airport" in the U.S. from by The Wall Street Journal.  

"For 75 years, SJC staff has put in the work to create an unparalleled travel experience that is both reliable and convenient for our residents and visitors from across the globe," said San José Mayor Matt Mahan. "Thanks to their dedication, our airport was recently recognized as one of the best in the country, and I'm confident the next 75 years will prove just as bright for SJC and all those coming to visit our beautiful city."

San José Municipal Airport underwent its first significant transformation in 1968 when it became San José International Airport – connecting the Bay Area to the rest of the world.

Another important moment in SJC’s history came in 2001, when it was renamed in honor of the influential former Mayor and Congressman Norman Y. Mineta for his contributions to the airport's development and to the U.S. transportation sector.

Community members and passengers are encouraged to join in on the celebrations and events throughout the year. More information can be found at the airport's website.

Wee Poets: Developing literacy through poetry Thu, 29 Feb 2024 21:41:58 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Sally Baker is the host of "Wee Poets," an organization that seeks to improve children's literacy skills through creation and interpretation of poetry in a multimedia environment. During the past 40 years, thousands of children have appeared on the program.

Hundreds of youth have completed the free internship training program as television technicians. Some continued on to college, majored in multimedia, created their own TV programs or got jobs at TV stations.

Over the 40 years since it was launched in 1984, "Wee Poets" has won over 50 prestigious awards. It has also trained hundreds of interns. KRON4's Reyna Harvey, a former guest on the show, has the story (Watch in the player above).

For more information, or to donate, visit:

Half of those cited for public drug use don’t live in the city: SF Mayor reports Thu, 29 Feb 2024 20:41:14 +0000 (KRON) -- San Francisco had 718 individuals cited for substance use in the past year. Only 53% of those arrested were self-identified as living in SF, with 47% of those cited as non-residents, Mayor London Breed’s office reports. 

Twenty percent of those arrested for substance use are also receiving city-funded cash assistance through the County Adult Assistance Program. To be eligible for CAAP, individuals must be San Francisco residents. Of those 141 individuals, over a third of them stated they lived outside of San Francisco, the mayor's office said.

“These numbers serve as proof that we must continue doubling down our efforts to shut down our drug markets that are attracting people to come here,” said SF Mayor London Breed, “We will continue to work to get people into treatment, but we can’t continue to leave people to deteriorate and die from overdoses.”

Health Savings Accounts, or HSA, currently require proof of residency in San Francisco for a minimum of 15 days, but people are reportedly providing false information when applying.

“To account for the high cost of living in San Francisco, the monthly CAAP cash grant is $712, which is the highest in the state and more than twice the statewide average,” said Trent Rhorer, Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Services Agency. 

In 2023, local law enforcement agencies made over 2,000 arrests for drug sales or drug use in the Tenderloin area, seizing over 260 pounds of fentanyl. Over 350 arrests have been made in 2024 so far, the report states. 

San Jose police investigating homicide near elementary school Thu, 29 Feb 2024 19:53:03 +0000 (KRON) -- The San Jose Police Department is investigating a homicide Thursday on the 5000 block of Moorpark Avenue. SJPD officers initially responded to a report of a weapons disturbance that resulted in the death of a man, according to a post on X early this morning.

People were advised to avoid the area at the time. Police later updated the incident to a homicide -- the ninth in 2024. SJPD describes the investigation as ongoing.

The incident occurred in the vicinity of an elementary school.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Downtown SF Crunch Fitness closing next month Thu, 29 Feb 2024 19:42:00 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- A gym in the South of Market neighborhood is the latest business in the downtown San Francisco area to announce it is closing. The Crunch Fitness location at 61 New Montgomery will close on March 31, according to an email sent out to gym members.

The email, addressed to "Dear Cruncher," thanked members for their support and patronage, saying it has "been a privilege to provide you a #NoJudgements environment to exercise and crush your fitness goals."

"Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to close this location permanently, with final workouts concluding 3/31/24," the email continued.

The fitness chain, which operates over 400 locations across the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Canada, Australia and Europe, cited SF's slow pandemic recovery as being behind the closure.

"Like many downtown businesses, this club has never been able to recover from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic," the club said.

Memberships for the New Montgomery location will be transferred to a nearby location at Yerba Buena at 350 3rd Street. As part of the transfer, Crunch said it would guarantee no dues increase in 2024 and would offer members one free personal training session at the Yerba Buena location.

The New Montgomery location served the downtown SF neighborhood for 30 years. The gym location is just the latest in a series of business closures in downtown SF. Earlier this week, it was announced that the iconic Macy's location in Union Square would be closing next year.

3 arrests made in Tenderloin drug trafficking investigation Thu, 29 Feb 2024 19:35:20 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Three suspects who police said were involved in trafficking narcotics into San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood were arrested after a three-month investigation, the San Francisco Police Department announced Thursday.

Over the course of the months-long investigation, the SFPD Narcotics Unit developed probable cause to obtain search warrants for three people suspected of trafficking a large quantity of narcotics into the Tenderloin district, authorities said. The suspects were identified as 34-year-old Luis Velasquez, 33-year-old Marvin Licona and 21-year-old Patricia Cruz-Ramirez.

The three were traveling together in a vehicle being surveilled by the SFPD Narcotics Unit and California Army National Guard when officers pulled it over on the 900 block of Laguna Street. Over 500 grams of suspected fentanyl and U.S. currency were located in the vehicle by a K-9 officer and seized, SFPD said.

A search warrant served to the suspects’ home in Oakland found additional U.S. currency as well as additional evidence of narcotics trafficking, police said. In total, over $70,000 in U.S. currency was seized, along with over 500 grams of suspected fentanyl, authorities said.

Velasquez, Licona and Cruz-Ramirez were booked into San Francisco County Jail on felony charges related to narcotics trafficking and conspiracy, according to authorities.

SFPD said the investigation remains active. Anyone with information is asked to contact the San Francisco Police Department 24-hour tip line at (415)-575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 and begin the message with SFPD.

Power outage affected over 22K in South Bay Thursday morning Thu, 29 Feb 2024 18:27:15 +0000 (KRON) -- Over 22,000 customers were without power in Santa Clara County on Thursday morning, according to the Pacific Gas and Electric outage center website. The outages were reported just before 10 a.m. As of 10:41 a.m., most customers had their power restored.

There were 18,480 customers without power in San Jose and 4,530 without in Campbell, the PG&E website showed at 10:11 a.m. Over 100 customers were affected by the outage in Sunnyvale.

(Image: PG&E)

The PG&E outage center originally showed the estimated time of restoration as 11:30 a.m.

Man arrested in Danville for allegedly trying to have sex with child dies in custody Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:51:05 +0000 (KRON/BCN) -- A Fairfield man arrested in Danville earlier this week for allegedly trying to have sex with a child was pronounced deceased at the hospital after attempting to hang himself while being transported to jail, the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office said Thursday.

Investigators went to a house in Danville to nab someone who solicited sex from a detective posing as a 13-year-old boy. A 50-year-old man from Fairfield was arrested in the residence on suspicion of arranging a meeting with a minor for lewd purposes, contacting a minor to commit a felony, attempted lewd acts on a child, attempted sending harmful material to seduce a minor, and resisting arrest.

While he was being transported to the Martinez Detention Facility, the suspect allegedly attempted to hang himself. Medical aid was given to him and the suspect was sent to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The Contra Costa District Attorney's Office and sheriff's office will conduct an investigation into the in-custody death, authorities said.

Death row inmate dies in San Quentin Thu, 29 Feb 2024 15:40:17 +0000 (BCN) -- A death row inmate at the San Quentin Rehabilitation Center passed away over the weekend, prison officials said Wednesday.

Melvin Turner was pronounced dead at 6:04 p.m. Saturday. He was 67. There were no further details on the cause of his death.

According to prison officials, Turner was placed on condemned status after being sentenced in Los Angeles County on Aug. 29, 1979, following his conviction for first-degree murder, robbery, vehicle theft, and first-degree robbery attempt.

Authorities said Turner and a companion shot two people execution-style in an airport hangar while trying to steal the victim's sports car.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.

Madonna's ‘The Celebration Tour’ gives fans 40 years of music in one night Thu, 29 Feb 2024 15:21:30 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Madonna, the ultimate mononym, graced the Chase Center stage on Wednesday during the second night of her San Francisco stop of “The Celebration Tour.”

The seven-time Grammy Award winner celebrated four decades of music taking the audience on her journey through song and theatrics. The long-awaited tour dates were postponed in October due to the pop star’s recent health concerns and then was postponed again in January.

The 65-year-old entertainer brought a wide range of ages to the sold-out arena. In true Madonna fashion, there was plenty of kissing and floor crawling. With singles such as “Burning Up,” “Celebration,” “Ray of Light,” “Take a Bow,” and “Like a Prayer,” Madonna and her dancers performed salaciously and seductively.  

Madonna is seen in an undated photo. (Getty Images)

Bob the Drag Queen kicked off the show, hyping up the crowd and explaining the show would display multiple periods of Madonna’s life. Madonna’s first performance was her 1999 single “Nothing Really Matters.”

The majority of the production was her chronological order of hits with the anecdotes and stories of how the songs came about.

Madonna is a strong supporter of the LGBTQIA community, which has always reflected in her music and this tour was not any different. Madonna also celebrated the LGBTQIA community and ballroom cultures. The event ended with a runway voguing competition. 

The concert was also a family affair for Madonna. Her daughter Estere danced to her ballroom classic “Vogue.” Madonna’s other daughter, Mercy James, assisted in the “Bad Girl” performance delivering the piano performance. 

This upbeat full-house show did not shy away from the tougher times Madonna has faced, including losing friends to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 80s. The song “In This Life” highlighted multiple people who died from the epidemic and are still suffering from the disease. 

Madonna shared a story about the worst road trip of her life: Michigan to San Francisco as a teenager. She jokingly described it as “the miserable experience of her life.” Teenage Madonna still managed to get grounded on the trip. Despite not being allowed to roam the streets, she still was able to describe San Franciscans as having a sense of “freedom.” 

“San Francisco looked like heaven to me,” Madonna said as the crowd burst with appreciation.

Madonna’s stories stole the show, and connecting with the audience on a human level engaged her adoring fans more. Her beer bottle breaks (which she confirmed wasn’t actually beer) made the crowd cheer harder in between songs. 

Madonna did have a task for the audience, while the crowd illuminated the arena.

“When you leave here tonight, I want you to share your light with each other, with your friends, families, lovers, and most importantly your enemies,” Madonna said. “It will make a difference. I promise you.”

Bay Area storm updates: Wind advisory Friday, flights cancelled at SFO Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:12:26 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Light precipitation began Thursday morning in the San Francisco Bay Area, with heavier rains expected to move in later in the day. Rainfall will come in periods of light to moderate precipitation through Sunday, according to the National Weather Service. Up to 2 inches of rain is forecasted to fall in lower elevations of the Bay Area and Central Coast.

In the Sierra, a blizzard warning is in effect and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services is advising residents not to travel into the snow until it is cleared by authorities. The major winter storm is expected to drop between 5 and 12 feet of snow on Donner Summit along Interstate 80, according to KRON4 Meteorologist John Shrable.

Follow KRON4’s live blog for the latest updates:

Thursday, Feb. 29

3 p.m. -- PG&E crews are on call 24/7 for storm response

1:45 p.m. -- Wind advisory for Friday

A wind advisory goes into effect Friday at noon until 10 a.m. Saturday, the National Weather Service said. The expected storm will produce southerly winds of 25-35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Winds will be stronger in higher terrain and in coastal area, the NWS said.

Graphic: NWS

12:42 p.m. -- SFO reports flight delays, cancellations

San Francisco International Airport is experiencing hundreds of delays and a number of cancellations, according to an airport official.

There are 250 flights experiencing delays, or about 25 percent of all flights, which average 45 to 50 minutes. There have also been 18 flight cancellations as of 12:42 p.m.

Officials did not specify the reason for the delays.

11:50 a.m. -- Eastbound I-80 near Donner Lake reopens, chain control in effect

Following a two-hour closure of eastbound lanes on Interstate 80 near Donner Lake, the roadway has reopened as of 11:39 a.m., according to Caltrans District 3. The roadway was closed due to an overturned big rig that blocked all lanes. Video from California Highway Patrol - Truckee above shows the truck being pulled and pushed off the road.

CHP Truckee announced chain control is in effect on I-80 westbound from Truckee to Rainbow and I-80 eastbound from Kingvale to Truckee. Trucks are at minimum restrictions while the chain control is at Requirement Level 2.

10:00 a.m. -- High surf advisory issued for Bay Area coast

A high surf advisory has been issued by the National Weather Service that is in effect from 10 a.m. Friday until 4 p.m. on Saturday. Large 15- to 20-foot waves can develop along exposed west-facing beaches on the Bay Area coastline, weather officials said.

"Large waves can sweep across the beach without warning, pulling people into the sea from rocks, jetties, and beaches," NWS said in its advisory. "These waves can also move large objects such as logs, crushing anyone caught underneath."

9:45 a.m. -- Overturned big rig blocks traffic near Donner Lake

A solo big rig collision on Interstate 80 east of the Donner Lake interchange has blocked all lanes of eastbound traffic, according to CHP Truckee. The driver sustained minor injuries in the crash.

There is no estimated time to reopen the roadway, authorities said.

7:45 a.m. -- Historic snowstorm on the way to the Sierra

Weather officials are forecasting 2 to 4 feet of snow falling in towns near Lake Tahoe's shore, with 5 to 12 feet dropping in the higher elevations between Thursday and Sunday. Winds are expected as high as 100 miles per hour in some areas, creating blizzard and whiteout conditions.

Travel to the Sierra is strongly discouraged. "If you had plans of getting to the Sierra, it is time to cancel those," Shrable said.

6:10 a.m. -- Periodic rain starts in the North Bay

Drivers face a wet morning commute in the North Bay as rainfall early on has covered the roadways. KRON4's Will Tran reports on and off rain in the area, which can make the roads slick.

Florida man pleads guilty to kick-back scheme to defraud Williams-Sonoma Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:38:30 +0000 (BCN) -- A Florida man on Wednesday pleaded guilty to a kick-back scheme involving the Bay Area-based company Williams-Sonoma, federal prosecutors said.

Augusto Alizo admitted to conspiring with two people, one of which was a vice president at Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (WSI), to divert and pocket more than $4 million in real estate broker commission rebates.

WSI is based in San Francisco and operates Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn and West Elm home goods retailers.

Alizo was employed at a global logistics company that helped clients find commercial real estate, including large commercial warehouses.

According to prosecutors and Alizo's plea agreement, he did not tell his employers at his company that his now co-defendant and former coworker Kourosh Mirmehdi, to whom he directly reported, was helping WSI obtain commercial warehouse space.

By concealing the deal, prosecutors said Alizo, Mirmehdi and the WSI executive colluded to pocket real estate broker commissions rebates that should have gone to WSI. Instead, the payments went to a shell company owned by the WSI vice president and then distributed between the Alizo, Mirmehdi and the V.P.

As part of his plea agreement, Alizo admitted that he acted with the intent to deceive and cheat both his employer and WSI in order to commit fraud.

In all, Alizo said the three co-conspirators obtained a total of $4.1 million, and he personally pocketed $965,526.

Upon his indictment last April, Alizo was charged with one count of wire fraud conspiracy, four counts of wire fraud and one count of money laundering conspiracy. Under the plea agreement, Alizo pleaded guilty to wire fraud conspiracy. If he complies with the agreement, the remaining counts will be dismissed, prosecutors said.

Alizo, who is out on bond, is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. 27. He is facing up to 20 years in federal prison.

Mirmehdi pleaded guilty last May and charges against the WSI vice president are pending, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.

Caltrain strikes unoccupied vehicle on tracks in San Bruno Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:30:52 +0000 (BCN) -- An unoccupied vehicle on the tracks was struck by a Caltrain on Wednesday night in San Bruno, the agency said.

At about 8:49 p.m., a northbound Caltrain was involved in an accident with a vehicle on the tracks at Scott Street.

There were 114 passengers on board the train with no reported injuries, Caltrain said.
Emergency personnel were still at the scene as of 10:30 p.m., with trains single-tracking through the incident area.

Earlier in the evening, it was believed that a Caltrain had struck a person on the tracks in San Jose, but police determined it was only a near miss, the agency said.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.

Two arrested in connection to three armed robberies, 7-year-old child in car Thu, 29 Feb 2024 07:13:31 +0000 (KRON) -- Two people were arrested in connection to three armed robberies that took place in separate Bay Area counties on Wednesday, the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office said. A 7-year-old child was allegedly in the car at the time of the arrest.

At about 2 p.m., officers with the Lafayette Police Department responded to the report of an armed robbery at a fast food restaurant on the 3500 block of Mount Diablo Boulevard. They determined that the car was linked to other armed robberies in Solano County and Marin County on Wednesday, CCCSO said.

About 10 minutes later, an LPD officer spotted the vehicle going west on Highway 24. The suspect car accelerated and led the officer on a chase toward El Sobrante.

The car crashed into another car in the opposite lane while driving on Camino Pablo. Camino Pablo turns into San Pablo Dam Road. It was closed for some time after the crash.

Two people in the suspect vehicle were arrested. They were identified as Jajuan Ojeda, 24, of Oakland and Aevra Taylor, 39, of Sacramento.

The 7-year-old boy in the car was the child of one of the suspects, the sheriff's office said. Ojeda and Taylor were booked into jail for charges including robbery, felony evasion and child endangerment.

The driver of the other car in the crash was hospitalized for precautionary reasons.

Police did not identify any of the businesses that were robbed, but there is a Taco Bell located at 3501 Mount Diablo Blvd.

Lee's Deli closes remaining SF locations Thu, 29 Feb 2024 05:41:00 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Lee's Deli, once a San Francisco staple, has closed its remaining locations. The San Francisco Business Times first reported the news and confirmed it with the deli's owner.

KRON4 went to Lee's Deli located at 280 Battery St. Wednesday night and found the doors chained shut with a traffic cone in front. There was no sign on the store, but the interior of the store was mostly empty.

A message on the Lee's Deli website said it was "temporarily closed until further notice." KRON4 reached out to Lee's Deli owner Lee Quan, and he declined to comment on Wednesday night.

Lee's Deli once had at least 10 locations in San Francisco. Its remaining locations were at 280 Battery St. and 303 2nd St.

The deli served a variety of foods including breakfast, Chinese food, sandwiches and sushi. It had been in San Francisco since 1983. In August 2023, Lee's announced it was transitioning to a catering service, citing COVID-19 challenges.

Lee's Deli is the latest long-time San Francisco business to close. Walgreens on Sacramento Street shut down on Tuesday, and Macy's in Union Square announced it plans to close.

UC Berkeley leadership condemns protest against Israeli speaker Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:19:12 +0000 (KRON) -- Leadership at UC Berkeley leadership is speaking out against a protest that happened on campus Monday night. The University Chancellor Carol Christ said protestors turned violent when they broke into a campus building to try to stop an event that was set to feature a speaker from Israel.

The Israeli speaker and audience had to be evacuated from the Zellerbach Playhouse out of concerns for their safety. The protest was organized on social media by a group that’s calling for an end to the war in Gaza.

It was just the latest in a number of protests around the Bay Area calling for a ceasefire. On Monday, around 200 protestors rallied at UC Berkeley to stop a speech by Ran Bar-Yoshafat, an Israeli attorney and former member of the Israeli Defense Force.

“The other night was harassment, violence and overt antisemitism,” said Tyler Gregory, CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council Bay Area.

Gregory heard about the protest from the main Jewish student center on campus and said there were two assaults against Jewish students during the protest.

In a letter sent to the campus community, the office of the university chancellor said protestors broke down doors to the Zellerbach Playhouse. The audience and speaker waiting inside had to be evacuated.

“Nowhere in that statement did they mention anything about Jews being harassed or use the word antisemitism once," Gregory said. "So, I think there are a lot of Jewish students who are feeling alienated.”

The letter called the attack on the building and event an attack on the fundamental values of the university and said the event was moved to a more secure location.

When it comes to the war in Gaza, Gregory says a permanent ceasefire can’t happen until Hamas is removed from power and all Israeli hostages return home.

“The Jewish community mourns the loss of innocent families and children in Gaza, but at the same time you can’t expect Israel to not defend its own people and try to get those hostages back,” he said.  

KRON4 also reached out to the group at UC Berkeley that called for Monday night’s protest for comment. We have not yet heard back.

Kerr unsure when Andrew Wiggins will return as he deals with personal matter Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:10:58 +0000 (KRON) -- Golden State Warriors forward Andrew Wiggins will miss the team's game against the New York Knicks on Thursday with a personal matter, and the team is unsure when he will return. Steve Kerr said on 95.7 The Game Wednesday that the team does expect the former All-Star back at some point, but a timetable has not been established.

Wiggins missed the final 25 games of the 2022-23 regular season with another undisclosed personal matter. Thursday's Knicks game will be the second straight that he missed with this matter.

Kerr said Wednesday that the team will not disclose the nature of his absence at Wiggins' request.

"We're in a position where Wiggs is a private person," Kerr said, "and so he's asked to keep it private, and we're gonna honor that. So it doesn't help for me to sit here and try to explain any of that. The bottom line is we respect Wiggs, we need him, and we fully expect him back, but we just don't know when that will be."

Wiggins has averaged just 12.7 points per game this season, the lowest number of his career. However, he scored at least 10 points in each of his last nine games, helping the Warriors win seven of those contests.

Even with the recent hot streak, Golden State sits in ninth place in the Western Conference with a 30-27 record. They would have to move up to sixth place for a guaranteed spot in the NBA playoffs.

Berkeley school district received federal complaint for 'severe and persistent antisemitic bullying' Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:07:52 +0000 (KRON) -- A federal complaint claims students and teachers at Berkeley Unified School District are practicing “antisemitic bullying,” much of which relates to the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. For example, a Berkeley High School history teacher allegedly called Israel an “apartheid” state, and whilst trying to find articles that oppose the apartheid narrative, the teacher called the narrative “laughable.”  

“The eruption of antisemitism in Berkeley’s elementary and high schools is like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” said Kenneth L. Marcus, chairman of the Brandeis Center and the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education for the George W. Bush and Donald Trump administrations in response to the complaints made. 

The Brandeis Center, whose mission is to “advance the civil and human rights of the Jewish people and promote justice for all,” and the Anti-Defamation League, whose mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” filed a formal complaint against BUSD as part of a lawsuit to stop antisemitic content from being taught in Santa Ana public schools.

Teachers have also offered students excused walkout absences to encourage attendance at rallies, leaving one or two Jewish students in class alone and without instruction, causing “major schedule disruptions for students who spoke out,” and making Jewish students “feel isolated,” the complaint said.

Some examples cited in the complaint include how, after a Jewish student presented a project related to his Jewish ancestry in an ethnic studies class, another student crossed out the word “Jewish” on the presentation handout and wrote “free free Palestine.” 

“Children feel forced to hide their Jewish identity for fear of reprisal is downright shocking. We must demand more from our educational leaders.” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO, who claims BUSD is violating Title VI, a title that “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin”

In contrast, students were also commenting about Islamophobia during BUSD’s most recent council meeting on February 21st. After being seen wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Arab headscarf, Julio Gonzalez, a student at Berkeley High School, was “shocked” to find many students casually saying he looked “like a terrorist.’” 

BUSD has received a record number of complaints of antisemitism since Oct. 7, including a letter to the Berkeley Superintendent and Board of Education that was signed by 1,370 Berkeley community members. The Brandeis Center claims BUSD “has ignored parent concerns, refused to discipline teachers and students who have engaged in anti-Semitic harassment.”

Here is a statement from BUSD Superintendent Enikia Ford Morthel sent to KRON:

"Berkeley Unified stands against all forms of hate. This is a message we share widely and frequently in our school community. We acknowledge the difficult moment we are in and the pain some members of our community are experiencing due to the ongoing crisis in Israel and Gaza. We believe that classrooms are spaces where all students need to feel safe, seen, felt, and heard. We work to make these spaces responsive and humanizing for our diverse students, today and every day. 

The district continuously encourages students and families to report any incidents of bullying or hate-motivated behavior and vigorously investigates each and every report. We stay in communication and work in collaboration with various members of our diverse community and have recently had focused conversations on these specific concerns. While we have not received official notification of the recent federal complaint, the district will work with the Office of Civil Rights in support of a thorough investigation. We remain committed to engaging with our community to ensure that BUSD is a district that lives up to its values of excellence, engagement, equity, and enrichment."

3.5 earthquake reported in Discovery Bay: USGS Thu, 29 Feb 2024 02:44:48 +0000 (KRON) -- An earthquake was reported in Discovery Bay on Wednesday evening by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The earthquake happened around 6:21 p.m.

The depth of the earthquake is 11.6 kilometers or approximately 7.2 miles, according to USGS. The earthquake was initially reported to be 3.8 but has been downgraded to a 3.5 quake.

(Map courtesy of USGS)

Discovery Bay is the easternmost city in Contra Costa County. It is about 60 miles east of San Francisco.

This story will be updated.

Smoking weed daily as bad as cigarettes, according to study Thu, 29 Feb 2024 02:10:25 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Smoking cannabis regularly can, in some cases, be as bad for you as smoking cigarettes, according to a new study. The study reveals how regular smoking of marijuana is linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Health experts are calling this study a wake-up call, saying it sheds an important light on this subject, especially as the use of cannabis is on the rise among all age brackets, especially younger Americans.

Daily cannabis smoking can lead to a 42% increase in the risk of strokes and a 25% increase in the risk of heart attacks, according to the study. The study, which examines how frequent use of cannabis relates to cardiovascular disease, was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and backed by the National Institutes of Health.

The study drew its results from nearly half a million cannabis users. Nearly 75% of those surveyed consumed cannabis by smoking the drug. The other 25% consumed it by vaping, drinking or eating the drug.

"It is a very interesting and timely study with more people using cannabis," said Director of Stanford University Cardiovascular Institute Dr. Joseph Wu.

The study drilled down on how toxins released into the body when cannabis is burned are similar to tobacco smoking. Wu said the active ingredient of THC in cannabis causes even more of a heart risk.

In addition, he says eating cannabis products also is not healthy for the heart.

"It is two-fer," said Wu. "If you smoke, then you get the particulate matter and the ingredient THC, which is also detrimental to cardiovascular health. So, edibles are also not healthy because it has THC."

Medicinal use of cannabis is now legal in more than half of the country, with recreational use allowed in 24 states, including California.

"Most people think if it is legal, it is safe but that is not true, many products are legal, like tobacco smoke and it can kill you by using it," said Wu.

With the use of cannabis on the rise and soaring heart disease rates, medical experts say the study is an important public health issue to address.

"With the use of cannabis on the rise up, it is important to show the public that it isn't safe at all," said Wu.

Although the study focused on frequent users, even weekly usage was linked with higher rates of stroke and heart attacks compared to those who do not use marijuana.

Sonoma County animal shelter over-capacity with puppies, adult dogs Thu, 29 Feb 2024 02:07:51 +0000 (KRON) -- Sonoma County's animal shelter is over-capacity with puppies and adult dogs that are in need of forever homes.

County officials wrote, "The shelter’s 118 kennels are bursting at the seams with 180 dogs, including 46 puppies, and they are urgently asking the community to adopt or foster if they can.

Shelter director Brian Whipple told The Press Democrat, "In my 10 years here, I have never seen the kennels this full."

According to Whipple, a combination of factors are adding to the overcrowding. Young dogs that were adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic are being relinquished by their owners. Some dogs adopted during stay-at-home orders were under-trained and under-socialized, he told the newspaper.

A dog named Hazle has been at the shelter since Feb 13, 2024. Hazle is a male 8-year-old red and white Siberian husky. (Image via Sonoma County Animal Services)

The shelter also took in a large number of dogs that were recently rescued in a suspected animal cruelty case.

For people willing to foster dogs at home, the shelter provides free food, dog beds, vaccines, neutering, and veterinary care. To learn about how you can foster or adopt an animal in need, go to the county shelter's website.

Mack, a neutered male pit bull terrier mix, has been at the shelter since December 2023. Mack is between 1-2 years old. (Image courtesy Sonoma County Animal Services)

"Got room in your home for four more paws? The Sonoma County animal shelter has just the dog for you," the county wrote on its Facebook page.

On average, more than 3,000 animals are brought to Sonoma County Animal Services every year.

Road reopens at scene of car crash in Berkeley Thu, 29 Feb 2024 01:20:44 +0000 BERKELEY, Calif. (KRON) -- Traffic has been impacted after a crash Wednesday afternoon in Berkeley, the city's police department said in a Nixle alert. A car crash was reported in the area of 7th Street and Heinz Avenue.

Berkeley police advised the public to avoid the area of 7th Street between Pardee Street and Ashby Avenue. Seventh Street was closed earlier but has since reopened by 6:30 p.m.

It is unknown at this time if anyone has been injured from the crash. It appears a dark-colored Mini Cooper was damaged from the crash.

Berkeley police sent out the Nixle alert at 3:36 p.m. Photos from the scene can be viewed above.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Stolen Monster energy drinks, toothpaste discovered in luggage by Berkeley PD Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:35:47 +0000 (KRON) -- A suspect was arrested after a retail theft earlier this month, the Berkeley Police Department announced Wednesday on social media. The theft happened at a store on the 2800 block of Adeline Street in Berkeley.

After receiving the initial call of a suspect putting merchandise inside a suitcase, police arrived at the store moments later. Police said the suspect tried to run away, prompting a foot chase. After a "short foot chase," the suspect was arrested.

Police recovered the suitcase, which contained dozens of Monster energy drink cans, toothpaste, laundry detergent and other merchandise. See the photos below.

BPD did not say what store the theft happened at. However, there is a Walgreens and a Berkeley Bowl Marketplace located in the area where the theft happened.

Police did not release information about the suspect's identity.

2 Bay Area cities make top 10 for worst car commutes Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:32:39 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Drivers stuck in daily gridlock at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge toll plaza might feel like they have the worst commute possible.

But a new study analyzing time spent traveling and commuting costs found six cities in America have even worse commutes than San Francisco and Oakland. For the "Top 10 Worst American Cities For Car Commuters" ranking, SF ranked 7th and Oakland ranked 10th.

Car subscription providers FINN said its study looked at "how much time and money is spent on commuting to work" Costs included price at gas pumps, car insurance, parking, and inflation.

Worst American Cities For Car Commuters:

1. New York City

An aerial view of downtown Manhattan with the Brooklyn Bridge on Nov. 03, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Craig T Fruchtman /Getty Images)

Like San Francisco, traffic flows in and out of the Big Apple through bridges on some sides of the city. Bridges and tunnels funnel vehicles into bottlenecks.

The study wrote, "Driving in New York City is not for the faint-hearted, as it is the worst city to commute in. Even for the most confident drivers, New York City’s traffic-packed streets and fearless pedestrians can be intimidating. Commuters typically spend an extra $107 a year in fuel costs thanks to the levels of congestion."

2. Los Angeles, California

Traffic on Interstate 110 in Los Angeles is seen on Nov. 13, 2023. (Photographer: Kyle Grillot/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

California's most populated city is known for its car-loving culture, epic commutes, and freeway gridlock. Traveling from one part of the sprawling city to another often requires hopping on multiple freeways. "Saturday Night Live" poked fun at it with "The Californians" skits, lamenting about how to avoid Interstate-10.

The study writes, "Los Angeles is incredibly car-centric, like many North American cities, and the idea of commuting around the city without a car is almost unheard of. The city is often struck with gridlock, congestion, and a whole lot of stress. Drivers in LA spend an hour or more in traffic every morning and disburse $74 a year in fuel costs due to it."

3. Chicago, Illinois

Signs direct traffic at a construction site along Interstate 294 (I-294) near Chicago. (File Photo by Frank Polich /Bloomberg via Getty Images)

"City traffic in Chicago is known to be some of the worst in North America, and trips to and from the suburbs regularly take 90 minutes or more. Moving anywhere in the city is equally as tiring. Due to recent road work and shifting traffic patterns, the issues have increasingly worsened, causing commuters to be pushed to their breaking point," the study writes.

4. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5. Seattle, Washington

6. Washington, D.C.

7. San Francisco, California

In an aerial view, cars drive by the San Francisco skyline as they cross the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on October 27, 2022. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

8. Miami, Florida

9. Boston, Massachusetts

10. Oakland, California

Traffic backs up at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge toll plaza on August 24, 2022 in Oakland. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Electronic Arts to lay off about 5% of its staff Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:53:44 +0000 (KRON) -- Gaming giant Electronic Arts (EA) plans to lay off approximately 5% of its staff, the company said in a letter posted to its website on Wednesday. Electronic Arts is based out of Redwood City.

In the letter, EA CEO Andrew Wilson cited "an accelerating industry transformation where player needs and motivations have changed significantly."

"We are streamlining our company operations to deliver deeper, more connected experiences for fans everywhere that build community, shape culture, and grow fandom," Wilson said.

Wilson said EA will also terminate certain games and move "away from development of future licensed IP" that company decision-makers do not believe will be successful. The letter did not mention any specific games.

"This greater focus allows us to drive creativity, accelerate innovation, and double down on our biggest opportunities — including our owned IP, sports, and massive online communities — to deliver the entertainment players want today and tomorrow," Wilson wrote.

EA's letter said it is working to find pathways for those who have been laid off to find new roles.

"Where that’s not possible, we will support and work with each colleague with the utmost attention, care, and respect," Wilson said.

EA has already begun informing people who have been laid off. It hopes to be done with that process by early next quarter.

EA has developed world-famous games such as Sims, Apex Legends, Madden and FIFA.

Comcast outage in Pinole and Richmond reported due to vandals who cut cables Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:16:16 +0000 (KRON) -- Comcast is experiencing outages in Pinole, Richmond and Yuba City due to vandals who have cut fiber cables, the company said. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the company said its technicians have assessed the damages and begun undertaking repairs to fix the issues.

"We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you during your day," Comcast tweeted.

There was no specific word on when service would be restored to impacted areas.

Applebee's in East Bay closes after more than 25 years Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:16:12 +0000 (KRON) -- The Applebee's in Antioch permanently closed this week after operating for more than 25 years. The restaurant located at 2737 Hillcrest Ave. had its last day on Sunday, Feb. 25.

Applebee's said the decision to close was "part of a broader business strategy." Employees at the Antioch location will be given the opportunity to relocate to other restaurants in the region. Antioch customers have been redirected to visit the nearest Applebee's at 1369 Fitzgerald Drive in Pinole.

Applebee's has been operating its Antioch location since 1998, according to city officials. No other tenant has occupied that building space. As of Wednesday, the city has not received inquiries about any potential tenants to take Applebee's place.

As part of a broader business strategy, we have made the decision to permanently close our Applebee’s of Antioch location effective end of service on Sunday, February 25. We have greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve the community over the years. Staff associates and managers have been given the opportunity to relocate to other restaurants within the region. Our guests can still enjoy Applebee’s at our nearest location, 1369 Fitzgerald Dr., Pinole. We appreciate the hard work, loyalty and dedication of each and every one of our staff and wish them the best in their future endeavors.


Applebee's opened its first restaurant in Georgia and has since opened more than 1,500 locations in 11 countries.

Last month, Barnes & Noble said it would shut down its Antioch location after 20 years. The bookstore on Lone Tree Way will close around this fall. Barnes & Noble, however, plans to open a new location in nearby Brentwood.

Kelly-Moore Paints also announced last month it will be shutting down all stores nationwide. The Bay Area-based company had a location in Antioch on Fitzuren Road.

In addition to these retail closures, San Francisco announced one major retailer will be closing in downtown. The iconic Macy's store in Union Square will close sometime next year when the multi-story building is sold.

San Francisco is hosting the fourth annual 'World Goth Day' Wed, 28 Feb 2024 22:57:51 +0000 (KRON)-- The Menagerie Oddities, a California-based event organizer dubbing themselves as a “Jolly Band of Misfits”, is announcing San Francisco’s fourth annual World Goth Day Festival in collaboration with The USS Hornet Museum on May 4, 2024, from noon to 10 p.m.

Since its British debut in 2009, the international event has been both celebrating and informing the public on goth subculture by creating a “place-making event” for practicing and goth-curious folk alike, said Constance Garcia, CEO of The Menagerie Oddities to KRON. 

The organizers’ credo is “This Ain’t Yer Grannies Craft Fair”. On display at the festival will be over 50 artisans, creators, crafters and purveyors of “eccentrically and esoterically Gothic” works of fine art, a day-full of local and international goth music performances, and a “anyone-can-register” fashion show for both humans and pets alike. 

San Francisco’s World Goth Day initially started during the pandemic in 2020, when goth enthusiasts simply wanted to get together and share their passion for the subculture, but had no outlet to do so. A couple of months passed, and organizers from The Menageries Oddities found an outdoor venue allowing people to stand at safe distances.

Organizers weren’t the only ones who thought it was a good idea, as the lead-singer from Faith In The Muse, Monica Richards, along with 2,000+ goth enthusiasts showed up on the events’ first day. Goth Day garnered a loyal fan base since, as there are now over 14 “mini goth day festivals” touring state-wide every year.

Among some of the bands featured for live music, Sweden’s COVENANT band will be this year’s main headliners. 

Many of the festivals are held in gothic, medieval, and haunted venues around California, with most also serving as a fundraising event for the historic sites or venues themselves. Some of its previous fundraising collaborators were with Preston Castle in Ione, or this year’s partnership with the USS Hornet Museum.

When asked about non-goth enthusiasts attending, World Goth Day organizers said they “have to be inclusive. If we’re not inclusive, that’s not what our scene or community stands for.” 

Organizers of the event also “never want this to turn into a corporate event. Meaning that nobody’s going to ever have to come to our event and have to pay 50$ for a bottle of water, or to be treated like they’re not part of something really special. Because it’s the attendees and the artists and the musicians that make the event what it is.” 

The 4th Annual World Goth Day Festival tickets are now on sale, with “Mini-Goths Under 7-years-of-age” eligible for free entry to the event.

Alameda County DA announces $330K settlement in embezzlement case Wed, 28 Feb 2024 22:11:11 +0000 (KRON)-- What started as an unauthorized PayPal transfer of $4,000 ended as a $330,000 settlement case for Yolanda Cheers, an ex-finance manager for an Oakland-based consultancy group, BMWL & Partners, said Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price in a press release

Cheers, who went by the alias Yolanda Brown, oversaw finances for two businesses under BMWL & Partners. An accountant who worked for one of the two non-profits noticed Cheers sending “unauthorized” bonuses to herself twice over PayPal, equating to over $4,000. In 2016, Cheers was terminated from her employment, the DA’s press release said

Despite her unemployment, several years later, Cheers was caught taking out several unauthorized loans and credit card purchases, including a “$10,000 trip to a vineyard,” all under the name of BMWL & Partners, the DA’s report said. 

Twelve felony charges have been imposed on Cheers: six felony counts of Grand Theft by Embezzlement, three felony counts of Forgery, two Felony counts of Identity theft, and one felony count of Preparing False Documentary Evidence.

A negotiated plea deal was reached whereby Cheers pled guilty to Felony Grand Theft by embezzlement and agreed to repay the business victims a total of $330,000.

“Embezzlement is a violation of trust and a serious threat to the survival of our local businesses.  This type of theft often causes a business to be mired in debt,” said District Attorney Pamela Price.

Cheers brought two cashier’s checks to court on the date of her plea: one in the amount of $329,000 payable to BMWL & Partners, and a second check in the amount of $1,000 payable to the National Equity Project.

Arrest made in San Jose taqueria triple shooting Wed, 28 Feb 2024 21:45:33 +0000 (KRON) -- San Jose police announced on Wednesday that the primary suspect behind a 2018 triple shooting is now in custody. The alleged gunman was identified as Miguel Vergara Perez, 26, of Rohnert Park, according to the San Jose Police Department.

Shocking surveillance video captured the moment that Perez, according to police, shot three men outside a popular San Jose restaurant, La Victoria Taqueria at 5015 Almaden Expressway, on August 9, 2018.

The video shows a young girl and a woman who appears to be her mother standing very close to the shooter when he pulled out the gun. The terrified little girl runs to get away from the shooting.

(Surveillance video released by the SJPD can be viewed in the video player above).

(Surveillance image courtesy San Jose Police Dept.)

Detectives determined that "the victims and two adult male suspects were inside the restaurant when they became involved in an argument. The group walked outside with the primary suspect who produced a handgun and shot the three victims. Multiple bystanders were nearby, including a small child who was standing next to the primary suspect."

All three victims later recovered from their gunshot injuries at a hospital.

Detectives released the surveillance video to the public in an effort to identify the gunman in September of 2018. The case went cold until detectives re-opened the case three months ago with new leads.

SJPD officers found Perez in Rohnert Park in December and arrested him on suspicion of attempted homicide. He was booked into a Santa Clara County jail.

San Jose seeks resident feedback choosing a new police chief Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:48:22 +0000 (BCN) -- San Jose residents are invited to give feedback on choosing the city's next police chief. Community members can share their feedback through a survey and a series of meetings. The meetings will be held in person and virtually, San Jose officials said.

The survey can be found through the following links:


Meanwhile, the meetings are scheduled as the following:

  • March 7 (6 to 8 p.m.) Edenvale Community Center at 330 Branham Lane
  • March 13 (6 to 8 p.m.) Bascom Community Center at 1000 S. Bascom Ave.
  • March 14 (6 to 8 p.m.) Kirk Community Center at 1601 Foxworthy Ave.
  • March 16 (10 a.m. to noon) School of Arts and Culture at 1700 Alum Rock Ave.
  • March 20 (6 to 8 p.m.)
  • March 21 (6 to 8 p.m.) Leininger Community Center at 1300 Senter Road

Community feedback will be received through March 22. Outgoing San Jose Police Chief Anthony Mata is set to retire at the end of the month.

Man injured in drive-by shooting near SF's Stonestown Galleria mall Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:44:37 +0000 (BCN) -- A man was injured in a drive-by shooting near the Stonestown Galleria mall in San Francisco early Wednesday morning, according to police.

The shooting was reported at 2:51 a.m. in the area of Junipero Serra Boulevard and Winston Drive, where the 46-year-old victim said a vehicle stopped in front of him and someone inside it opened fire before the vehicle fled, San Francisco police said.

The man was struck by the gunfire and was taken to a hospital to be treated for his injuries, which are not considered life-threatening, according to police.

No arrest has been made in the case and investigators have not released any details about the suspected shooter or vehicle. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Police Department's tip line at (415) 575-4444 or to send a tip by text message to TIP411 with "SFPD" at the start of the message.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.

San Mateo Bridge traffic halted by crash Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:19:03 +0000 (KRON) -- Westbound lanes on the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge were blocked Wednesday afternoon due to a traffic collision, according to the California Highway Patrol. The left and center westbound lanes are blocked near Foster City.

Five vehicles were involved in the crash, according to a CHP incident log. Some of the people involved suffered minor injuries. The crash occurred shortly before 10 a.m.

Drivers are advised to expect delays.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Vallejo police release photos of person of interest in Target arson investigation Wed, 28 Feb 2024 19:28:42 +0000 (KRON) -- Vallejo police are asking for the community’s help in identifying a person of interest in a suspected arson that caused over $3 million in damages to a Target store on Saturday. The fire was started at approximately 3 p.m. at the Admiral Callaghan Lane location.

The Vallejo Police Department released two photos of the person of interest in a Facebook post Wednesday morning.

“An unidentified suspect committed an unlawful act within the establishment by igniting a significant fire during the business's operating hours,” Vallejo PD said. “This reckless act jeopardized the safety of both employees and customers, resulting in substantial damage to the structure and a loss of merchandise estimated to exceed $3 million.”

A photo from inside the store on Saturday showed part of the paper towel aisle on fire.

(Credit: Vallejo Crime and Safety)

The store was evacuated at the time of the fire and one employee suffered minor smoke inhalation, according to officials. Target will keep the Vallejo location closed until at least March 3, according to the company’s website, amid repairs and restocking.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Officer Stephanie Diaz at (707)-564-7106 or “Any leads you provide will play a crucial role,” police said.

Alameda deputies looking for runaway 16-year-old boy Wed, 28 Feb 2024 18:38:39 +0000 (KRON) -- The Alameda County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's assistance in locating a runaway 16-year-old boy. Jasi Slaughter was last seen on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 at around noon, according to police.

Jasi was last seen in Oakland near the 4500 block of Bond Street. He has brown, dread-style hair, and brown eyes, stands about 6 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds.

He was last seen wearing a black beanie with white letters, a black hooded sweatshirt with red Cookies logo, black jeans and white shoes, officials said. It's unknown if Jasi had a cell phone or money on him when he disappeared.

He is familiar with public transportation and has family and friends in Oakland and Hayward, according to police. Official believe Jasi ran away from home.

"We are concerned about Jasi's safety and are asking for your help to bring him home," the sheriff's office said. Anyone with information about Jasi's whereabouts is asked to call (510) 667-7721.

Troubled North Bay school district considering staff cuts Wed, 28 Feb 2024 18:35:34 +0000 (KRON) -- Santa Rosa City Schools is considering a reduction of staff as pandemic-era funding expires, according to a statement released Monday from Superintendent Anna Trunnell. District and school site-level positions would be part of the potential cuts, Trunnell said.

Santa Rosa City Schools received “significant one-time funds,” the superintendent said, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The money was used on mental health services, according to Trunnell.

“SRCS has prioritized our one-time funds to grow mental health services, provide additional health and safety measures,” Trunnell said. “However, these funds are expiring, and now we face the challenge of balancing our budget minus these dollars.”

The superintendent cited a proposed budget by California Governor Gavin Newsom as the reason for funding difficulties. “The Governor’s proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year will not provide us with additional funding to bridge the gap between our revenue and our commitments,” Trunnell said. “Therefore, the Board of Education is considering reductions in spending in order to meet our legal requirement to present the County Office of Education with a balanced budget by July 1st.”

According to Trunnell, 80 percent of SRCS’s budget goes to personnel. “To address our budget gap and maintain fiscal solvency the Board will need to consider reducing staff,” Trunnell said. “We will make every attempt to make reductions as far away from the classroom as possible.”

Preliminary notices are expected to go to affected staff over the next two weeks.

Santa Rosa City Schools has 1,631 employees and is the fifth largest employer in Santa Rosa, according to the district in 2023.

Some of the district’s schools have been involved in a number of violent incidents, including the stabbing death of a 16-year-old student at Montgomery High School in March 2023. In December, SRCS had police officers stationed at each district high school while four middle schools conducted police check-ins.

SF Burmese restaurant wins prestigious James Beard Award Wed, 28 Feb 2024 18:11:00 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- A Burmese restaurant in San Francisco was honored with one of the most prestigious restaurant awards in the nation on Wednesday. Mandalay, which was opened in the Richmond District in 1984, was announced as one of this year's James Beard Awards.

Mandalay, which is currently owned by Kevin Chen, was one of six restaurants to receive the James Beard Foundation's 2024 America's Classic Award. The award, which is presented by Heinz, is a restaurant and chef awards category that is given to "locally owned restaurants that serve quality food, have timeless appeal, and reflect the character of their communities," according to the foundation website.

San Francisco, according to the foundation, is "one of the greatest Burmese restaurant cities in America," but said Mandalay, "might be the best of the bunch."

"This unfussy restaurant near the city's Richmond District was not the first Burmese restaurant to open in San Francisco but is the oldest still in operation today," the foundation said. Chen told the New York Times that his family started Mandalay to introduce Americans to Burmese cuisine, which was "at the time, all but impossible to find," the foundation said.

Burmese cuisine pulls from India, China, and Thailand, "all of which border Myanmar," the foundation said.

Most diners at Mandalay reportedly order the teal leaf salad, which is more traditional that what's offered at other Burmese spots. The dish features crunchy sesame and lentil seeds, ground shrimp, fried garlic and peanuts with fermented tea leaves, tossed tableside.

Other standout dishes at Mandalay mentioned include the slightly sour samusa soup and the Mandalay special noodle.

Mandalay joins the ranks of over 100 restaurants nationwide that have received the America Classics award since the category was introduced in 1998. Along with the other winners, Mandalay will be celebrated at the James Beard Restaurant and Chef Awards ceremony in June in Chicago.

Vehicle found submerged in pond in Contra Costa County Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:38:32 +0000 (KRON) -- A vehicle was found submerged in a pond Tuesday, according to the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. Crews were called out to Ellinwood Pond early Tuesday morning to search for a vehicle residents found submerged in the pond.

Firefighters searched the vehicle and the area but didn't find anyone. A tow truck was called and the car was pulled out of the pond.

No other information was available.

Contract for new Raging Waters operator approved by SJ City Council Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:18:59 +0000 (BCN) -- The San Jose City Council voted to approve a new lease and operating contract for the new management of the Raging Waters amusement park, city officials said Tuesday. The facility -- owned by the city and comprised of water rides, attractions, cabanas, concessions, a gift shop and amphitheater event space -- is now under the management of California Dreamin' Entertainment Inc.

Based on a memorandum introduced by Councilmembers Domingo Candelas and Peter Ortiz, the new operator should prioritize local hires, seek to build a low-income fee waiver and protect city funds should the new operator breach the contract.

"I am thrilled the Council approved the lease agreement for Raging Waters' new operator, California Dreamin' Entertainment, marking a significant milestone in our efforts to revitalize this park and create stronger neighborhoods. This agreement not only allows for the operation of Raging Waters for Summer 2024 but also generate economic activity and create job opportunities for neighbors in San Jose," Candelas said in a statement.

"Raging Waters is a cherished place for many residents, including myself. For generations, it's been a hub of fun and learning where residents held their first jobs, folks strengthened their swimming skills, schools enjoyed their end-of-the-year field trips, and families made unforgettable memories. It's no wonder why the water park holds such a special place in the hearts of many people and is lovingly protected by residents of East San Jose," Ortiz said.

The theme park, which originally opened its doors in 1985, was shuttered by its former operator Palace Entertainment in September 2023 after ending its 20-year lease with the city. The closure came after the park's Sacramento site also shut down.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.

Next wave of rain moving into Bay Area Thursday, blizzard warning issued in Sierra Wed, 28 Feb 2024 15:34:43 +0000 SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- After a respite from the rain, another wave of precipitation is expected to drop on the San Francisco Bay Area beginning Thursday. Up to 2 inches of rain is expected in lower elevations of the Bay Area and Central Coast through the weekend, according to the National Weather Service.

There is potential for rain totals to be greater than 2 inches in higher elevations such as the North Bay mountains and Santa Cruz Mountains, weather officials said. The rainfall will come in periods of light to moderate precipitation starting Thursday and lasting through Sunday.

The winds will also pick up during the rainy weather, with westerly wind gusts forecasted to reach 30 to 40 miles per hour in the Bay Area and Central Coast. The highest gusts will be in the mountains and along the coast, NWS said. The breezy conditions are expected to last between Thursday and Saturday.

Impacts from the rain and wind could come in the form of downed tree branches, isolated power outages, slower commute times, ponding of water on roadways and rises in creeks and streams, according to officials.

Escaping from the rain and heading to the Sierra is “highly discouraged,” as a blizzard warning has been issued, and travel in the area “will be nearly impossible,” weather service officials said. “Driving conditions will deteriorate rapidly Friday-Saturday AM with white-out conditions & near-zero visibility from this dangerous winter storm,” NWS Sacramento posted to X, formerly Twitter.

Up to 10 feet of snow is forecasted to fall in Sierra elevations above 5,000 feet, and up to 4 feet of snow in areas above 3,000 feet. Wind gusts could reach up to 65 miles per hour.

Stick with KRON4 News and for the latest impacts of the upcoming weather system.

San Ramon police say scammers posing as Publisher's Clearing House reps targeting elderly Wed, 28 Feb 2024 13:16:48 +0000 (BCN) -- San Ramon police said Tuesday they have recently investigated multiple incidents of a phone scam targeting elderly people.

The scam involves the suspect contacting the victim over the phone and posing as a representative of Publisher's Clearing House. According to police, the caller tells the victim they have won a grand prize but need to pre-pay the associated taxes in the form of a cashier's check.

"Not even Publisher's Clearing House will ask you for money over the phone," San Ramon police said on social media. "No legitimate business solicits large amounts of money over the phone."

Community members are urged to never provide money, account information or remote access to personal computers to anyone who contacts them over the phone.

Those who have relevant concerns can call San Ramon police at (925) 973-2700.

Copyright © 2024 Bay City News, Inc.
